Do you need a cost-effective International thinner? Are you looking for premium-quality International paint thinners UK at a super affordable price? Welcome to the extensive online catalogue of Paints4Trade! We stock high-end thinners for paint manufactured by the International brand and offer competitive paint thinners price so that you can find a first-class solution for any budget. Here at Paints4Trade, you can choose from International GTA thinners representing a blend of virgin solvent suitable for thinning paints and equipment cleaning for all International paints and coatings. We also offer rapid nationwide delivery for you to receive your paint thinners shortly. Browse the selection and find the most suitable option right now!
Paint thinners are solvents that are widely used to thin the consistency of various paints or clean the painting equipment after their use. Although two main types of paint thinners are oil-based and water-based paint thinners, the thinners for paint can be made of alcohol, mineral spirits, acetone, and other materials. International paint thinners are suitable for all the paints and coatings by the International brand. Please notice that you need to examine the manufacturer documentation or at least dive into the product details before the paint thinner's actual application.
International paint thinners from Paints4Trade are genuine solvents that aim to help you dissolve the paints and coatings and reduce their viscosity for the cases when you need a thinner mixture for further application. Our International thinners for paint also come in handy for removing the paint and stains from the painting rollers, brushes, and other painting equipment. Additionally, different types of paint thinners UK can be used to neutralise the thickening process of hard and dry paints left open for a long time. In the extensive online catalogue of Paints4Trade, you can find first-class International thinners such as:
GTA 007 paint thinner,
GTA 220 paint thinner,
GTA 713 paint thinner,
GTA 853 paint thinner,
GTA 803 paint thinner.
The products can be used with Interbond, Intergard, Interline, Intershield, Intertuf, Interzinc, Intercure 99, Interthane, Interline 399, and Interprime products by International brand. However, each thinner has its particular features. Therefore, be sure to read product details carefully to have a proper and safe application process. All the International thinners for paint in our range are available in 5-litre pack sizes, which allows you to buy an optimal amount of product for further use.
Getting the selected paint to the desired consistency is simple with proper paint thinners made by International. Thus, whether your paint is too thick, you wish to apply it with a sprayer, or it has hardened over time, thinners for paint will surely come in handy. Although the products in our catalogue boast a straightforward application process, we recommend adhering to the following safety tips:
Wear respirators, gloves, and goggles and consider preparing the necessary PPE to ensure your safety;
Store the thinner for paint carefully (open space is the best option);
Take care of good ventilation when working with thinners for paint;
Consider having a fire extinguisher and keep anything that can cause a spark away from thinners from International as these are flammable liquids;
Paint thinner vapours need space for extension, and therefore make sure you do not overfill the container.
Paints4Trade offers robust International GTA thinners for paint and stocks different types of International thinners for you to select the option that ideally meets your needs. We also guarantee excellent paint thinners price and provide superior customer service with a varied product range. Our specialists are always online to assist you with decision-making. Just call us on 0845 838 2225, and we will do our best to help you get the best thinner for your particular needs!