Are you searching for top-quality and efficient anti climb paint for fences, walls, ledges, and other essential surfaces? Do you need anti vandal paint to stop the intruders? Paints4Trade has something excellent to offer! We stock a diversity of premium anti-climb, anti-vandal, and anti-graffiti paints together with anti climb paint signs, graffiti remover aerosol sprays, anti graffiti paint kits, and anti graffiti sealer coats. All the products in this range aim to help you prevent intruders from climbing up a surface and obtaining access to a specific property.
We offer a quality anti climb paint, a thick, slippery, non-drying coating for parapets, ledges, downcomers, pipes, gutters, window sills, fencing & walls. It deters potential intruders by making surfaces virtually unclimbable while also marking hands and clothing. Our anti climb, anti vandal, and anti graffiti paint UK boast superior quality and features, which makes this specialised paint your wise and cost-effective solution for enhancing your building's security. The anti graffiti paint price at Paints4Trade is transparent and affordable as we strive to meet your budget and provide the highest quality anti-climb paint for your needs.
Anti-climb paint (also known as anti-burglar paint, anti-intruder paint, anti-climb grease, no climb paint, non-drying paint, and security paint) is a gel-based paint explicitly designed for surfaces that may be utilised by intruders, burglars, and vandals. The anti climb paints are never drying paints that remain extremely slippery in a gel form and form a non-aggressive anti-climb barrier.
Using an anti-climb grease, you make all the attempts of climbing a surface impossible due to a very slippery layer that interferes with gripping with hands. When applying quality anti-climb paint from Paints4Trade, you also make the intruders easy prey for the police as the paint stains trespassers' hands, body, and clothes.
Anti-graffiti paint or anti-vandal paint is a special coating manufactured to prevent all forms of graffiti vandalism and protect public and private property from defacing. Anti-graffiti paint's choice depends on the severity of graffiti and the substrate, so there are multiple coatings with particular pros and cons.
In our online catalogue, you can find effective graffiti remover aerosol liquids, water-based graffiti protection kits, quick-drying graffiti protection systems, as well as low-odour, non-flammable, and low-toxicity anti-graffiti sealer coats. Our products come as the most cost-effective and straightforward solution to combat unwanted graffiti and can be applied to various surfaces such as plaster, wood, brick, masonry, etc.
At Paints4Trade, we offer a selection of top-quality anti graffiti, anti vandal, and anti climb paints available in a range of anti climb paint colours and finishes. Moreover, thanks to an affordable anti climb & anti graffiti paint price, these products are the simplest and the most economical way to protect the facade of your commercial or residential building and enhance the security of your property. The scope of use is extensive, and therefore you can easily apply the selected anti-vandal paint, anti-graffiti paint, or anti-climb paint to:
Lighting support posts,
Parapets and downcomers,
Pipes and window sills,
Bridges and statues,
Fencing and walls,
Factory sites,
Sports and church roofs, and more.
Please notice that anti-climb, anti-vandal, and anti-graffiti paints are for exterior use only. The anti climb paint can be applied with a brush or painters mitten, while graffiti paints can be implemented with roller, spray, or brush. Also, please note that there are some essential legal requirements you need to follow to utilise anti-climb paints for your security needs:
Make sure you display a clear anti climb warning sign near the painted surfaces;
Apply the selected anti-climb paint at least 2 metres above the regular access to prevent innocent passers-by from paint stains on their clothing;
Remember not to utilise this specialised paint in areas with wild and domestic animals as they can't detect and read the warning signs.
In case you need any help when choosing the right product or just want to consult with an expert, please contact us at any time. We are always glad to assist you with any additional information and provide a piece of advice.